I’m a new business, can you help me get set up?
Of course! Once you have your business registered and an account open at J. A. Russell Ltd, one of our Regional Account Manager's will step you through the process and get you connected with all of our relevant industry business partners. From Health and Safety, Business Insurance, HR Policies and Contracts, Training and more, we've got you covered with the right people for personal service and support.
Is NZTG just for smaller one-man bands?
Not at all. We ensure there is a solution for all businesses new or established and any size. The diversity and experience in the group expands across all electrical expertise, some with 25+ staff on the tools including administration staff.
If I join, do I have to deal with J. A. Russell Ltd?
Yes, you do need to align the majority of your material purchasing with J. A. Russell Ltd which includes Radcliffe Electrical in the South Island. We're confident we can help you build a great wholesale relationship to meet your needs with the best products, specialist services and local branch support. NZTG members receive exceptional discounts as well!
I'm already using software, so do I have to use Katipolt to join?
No, you don't have to use Katipolt to join, but you might as well get onto it once you do! It's an exclusive benefit of NZTG and included in your cost of membership regardless of the size of your organisation. Many of our new members slowly transition from other platforms to Katipolt, so no data is lost. We provide great training and ongoing support to make it as seamless as possible.
My business does more than domestic electrical work. Is NZTG right for me?
Absolutely. We're proud to work with electrical businesses doing a range of small and massive projects from domestic, commercial, industrial, renewable energy and technology focus. The list is endless and we'll be able to guide you with ensuring you get specialist support, access to an awesome network and customised training to help you branch into different areas of the industry.
I always have heaps of questions, is someone around to help me out?
There is always someone available to support your needs and questions! We have a growing number of Regional Account Managers, Trainers and Technical Support staff on hand to help you out. When you join you'll be assigned a Regional Account Manager who will give you all the details of who's who and how to make direct contact either online or in person.
How can you keep growing without competing against the other members?
Our goal is build an inter-connected and transparent national membership organisation. This means during our selection process, we only work with members who are interested in expanding and developing their business and creating a diverse network of different specialist skillsets. Sharing resources, knowledge and collaboration is a key part of NZTG so we work with members who embrace the idea of partnerships and working with other trusted tradies. Everyone brings something different to the table and we enhance our strengths and support the development in areas that need growth.
What if it’s not working out. Am I locked into a contract?
We appreciate that circumstances change and you may wish to leave NZTG one day. That's okay, none of our members are locked into a fixed-term contract and can leave after giving 30 days notice, as per our terms and conditions. This gives both parties time to disconnect things like software, remove the pricing discounts, cancel any booked training and tidy up any loose ends.
What does it cost to join NZ Trade Group?
If your application for membership is successful, we offer new members a 3-month 'settling in period' before we start charging subscription fees. During this time, we activate our onboarding process which includes meeting your Regional Account Manager, an initial consult with our business coach, a full in-person training programme for Katipolt set-up and then follow up team training. We'll help you meet other members in your area and of course we ensure you immediately receive the NZTG group pricing at J. A. Russell Ltd. The monthly fee is $250.00 + GST which includes a subscription to our H&S provider, access to Katipolt for all users and a range of offers from member benefit partners.
What's the NZTG CPD Programme all about?
NZ Trade Group offers a dedicated and industry-focused Continuing Professional Development framework to ensure all members have access to best-in-class training and business coaching to build and manage a compliant and sustainable business. Our unique learning platform and live calendar supports the delivery of regional training via a range of internal and external providers that supports business compliance, a range of technical training opportunities and accreditations, soft skills development such as financial literacy and project management, and business development opportunities for directors that includes coaching and strategic business planning.